what is brisbanedesignscape?
Saturday, November 4th
Brisbane Designscape is back on the 4th November 2023.
This year is a little different, we are taking all the best stuff from the 2022 event and squeezing it into one great day.
We invite architects, interior designers, major stakeholders and decision makers for a day of workshop activities and talks by an eclectic group of speakers, including architects and designers (speaking about everything except their work), artists, storytellers, and neuroscientists to talk about their take on reconnect.
Curated by Paul Fairweather, Speaker, Writer, Artist, Podcaster, re-imagined architect and co-founder of TEDxBrisbane. Hosted by Offiscape.
Ticket price includes coffee, snacks, lunch and a drink or two at the end of the day, with black pudding of course.
Come along and reconnect ideas and stories that matter, along with old and new friends and colleagues.